The Eagle Has Landed...

While we were out on a walk this morning we (actually Michael spotted it first) noticed this Bald Eagle up in the tree. I've noticed him flying over the golf course near our house before, but this is the first time we have found one perched where we can really get a look. Pretty cool!
Oh, and I should mention that this is in our neighborhood.....just across the street from our house. 

New Puppy

Yesterday we went out to visit Great Grammy and her new puppy, Benny. He is only 3 months old. Anna had a lot of fun chasing Benny around and carrying him everywhere! He is just her size so she thought she should carry him like a baby and wrap him up in a blanket like one of her baby dolls. I think Benny was relieved when we left for home. 

At least it doesn't look like this anymore-

This picture was taken Jan. 5th. Sure feels like this snow has been around more than two months. I'm not usually in a hurry for Spring, but I am this year. I'm ready to be outside with my hands in the dirt.