Well well well....look who remembered she had a blog! I know...I can hear you all yelling already....it has been so long since my last post I actually had to look up my password!
I'm not making any promises about how often I'll post, but I thought I would at least update you with a few Christmas pics :) You will notice this year I am actually in the pictures....after years of not being in any, because I am always behind the camera I released my control of my beloved camera over to Michael and "let" him take a few pics.
:: Anna was beside herself with joy to put together her gingerbread house this year....I was dealing with a cold that I was pretty sure I was going to die from (everyone said I had HINI to every other dreadful thing, but why go to the doctor and find out when instead you can suffer through it & let it kick your butt?) This picture makes me laugh, because you can almost hear me saying, "just take the damn picture please....cheese!"
:: Michael II (15), Danielle (17) & Anna (just days from the big 4!)
:: Normally you can't pay the kid to sit still for a picture, especially if she knows I REALLY want the picture....I don't know, maybe she got lost in the spirit of Christmas, but this time she posed and everything!
::Michael, Danielle, Mom (me), & Anna on her 4th birthday. I kind of felt like a failure as a mother, because I didn't bake her cake, but her favorite cake has always been the "Chocolate Costco Cake"....so, give the girl what she wants and give momma a break:) I was just happy to see her 4th birthday....(ya know, cuz I was dying from my cold....LOL!)
:: You all know how much I love taking pictures?....well I got a video camera for Christmas!...as soon as I get the Christmas videos edited I'll be adding a couple movies. Stay tuned!
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