:: These are some of the asters my mom-in-law started in her greenhouse. They are so delicate! :: Big Pink Zinnia....I LOVE Zinnias! They are so easy and last a long time. :: Now if you were a reader of my blog last summer you will remember that Anna calls these Black Eyed Susans "Black Eyed Snow Whites". I about peed my pants when she pointed at them last year and said, "Look mommy, Black Eyed Snow Whites!" My twisted mind could just see poor old Snow White sitting there with her black eyes. :: Notice the bee and the spider.....they must be friends ;0) Okay, and look closely at the petals....it looks like brush strokes of a deeper yellow on the light yellow. I guess I'm so intrigued by this sunflower, because I didn't actually plant it......a squirrel did!
If you've noticed the traffic feed monitor is no longer on here, well that's because they have started charging a monthly fee for it now....boo hiss!....that doesn't fit in to my frugal plan. sorry:)
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