I turn my back for two seconds....
She's back to feeling like her old (young) self...
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Friday, February 26, 2010
goofing around
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A rare occurrence...
Project Complete!
I started another one...
::I saved 8 of Anna's receiving blankets from when she was a baby with the intent on making a quilt out of them. Well here I am actually following through with my plan....pat on the back for me!
:: Do you cheat like me and use the Shape Cut?....its so easy you SHOULD!

:: Here are the strips I cut with the Shape Cut guide. It seems even with a ruler I can mess up a straight line, so I love the Shape Cut guide. Where can I get one you ask?...I found mine at Hancock Fabrics, but if you search it on-line you can find them all over. There is also the Shape Cut Plus (the one I really wanted)...its 12x18 I believe.
:: And whalah!....here are the quilt blocks all ready to be sewn together. I haven't forgotten about the other quilt I'm working on....I'll probably finish that one before I get back to this one.
Amy Butler & Heather Bailey Fans...Check this out!
Check out her website: www.thetopstitch.com
Thank you Super Bowl!
:: There is still a lot to be done, but at least the quilt top is together. I'm pretty excited that I'm this far.
:: And, as you're admiring my little project, please keep in mind that I do this for the pleasure of creating something. I'm not looking to win any contest with my sewing...in other words, look, but not that close! ;)
How long should it take?
:: So I've started a quilt for Anna...heavy sigh! Why the sigh? Well, I'm wondering how long this is going to take.... snicker! It seems like when I have an idea in my head of a project I would like to finish, and the family gets wind of this idea, then it is sure to be derailed. Therefore I have decided that this is going to be one of those projects like many others who will sit and stare back at me each time I walk past it....saying, "you whoo!....remember me?...you ever going to finish?" My answer: YES I AM!....may just take a few months:0)
A few blog pages I simply love...
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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I love wasting what could be a perfectly productive morning looking at my favorite blog pages....here are a few that I return to every time...(after I've cooked, cleaned and organized of course...wink wink):
www.thefarmchicks.typepad.com (Serena is my organizing country girl hero!)
www.kwernerdesign.com (Kristina is my mac loving crafty girl hero!)
www.frugalchicliving.com (Crystal is my coupon clipping professional who saves me money hero!)
The above three women who create these pages are my heros! If I could be these three woman in one I would be my own hero!....tee hee ;0)
And, for the baker in me: