I started another one...

:: What's that?....have I finished the last quilt I started for Anna? Well no, silly! That's not how it works....have you ever met a creative person who only works on one project at a time?....I sure haven't! We like the chaos of more than one thing going at once after all! :0)

::I saved 8 of Anna's receiving blankets from when she was a baby with the intent on making a quilt out of them. Well here I am actually following through with my plan....pat on the back for me!
:: Do you cheat like me and use the Shape Cut?....its so easy you SHOULD!

:: Here are the strips I cut with the Shape Cut guide. It seems even with a ruler I can mess up a straight line, so I love the Shape Cut guide. Where can I get one you ask?...I found mine at Hancock Fabrics, but if you search it on-line you can find them all over. There is also the Shape Cut Plus (the one I really wanted)...its 12x18 I believe.
:: And whalah!....here are the quilt blocks all ready to be sewn together. I haven't forgotten about the other quilt I'm working on....I'll probably finish that one before I get back to this one.