:: Seriously?!.... :: Michael has been working non-stop for the past few weeks...so much so that we went out to dinner for the first time in I can't remember how long last night, and I felt compelled to re-introduce myself to him....Anyways, I thought I would bake him a carrot cake today as a "hey, thanks for putting in so many hours". It was cooling...so I was doing things around the house. I hear the back door open (which is a funny all in itself, because really our "back door" is on the front of the house...I'll explain some other time) and think oh, he must be home. I find him cutting in to the cake! OMG! He looks at me with a smile like, Oh, was I not supposed to do that?....I just replied with NICE! }:-/ :: So much for making his surprise look nice....dork! He hasn't seen the cake frosted yet...it should give him a chuckle! Its the thought that counts right?
If you've noticed the traffic feed monitor is no longer on here, well that's because they have started charging a monthly fee for it now....boo hiss!....that doesn't fit in to my frugal plan. sorry:)
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