's another one!
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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Happy Mother's Day!
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Sunday, May 8, 2011
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Anna and the reptiles...
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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We recently heard about a reptile store...
My first thought was...eeew! thanks!
Anna's first thought was....when can we go?

A Quilt for my Gram
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Monday, May 2, 2011
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A Couple Pictures from Easter
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Make Life Sew Simple
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Kids Day at Riverfront Park
:: If you like information booths full of advertisers, parents with their overheated and exhausted children, oh, and lets not forget the family pooch....(really NOT sure why people think its a good idea to bring their furry friends to these type of events????)....then you will LOVE kids day at the park! Maybe I'm being a little harsh....I suppose if you are 4 like Anna, it was a great time. She said, "I really liked it, but there were too many people!"
:: MOM~ "Are you hot and tired Anna?".......
Anna~ "no, not really"
:: Me/Mom~ "Should this be our last ride, so we can go home and cool off?".....
Anna~ "MOM!....don't you listen to me?!...I said not yet!"
It was a good day....we rode the carousel 3 times....went to lunch....did some school shopping and had some good girl time :)
A Day at Mt. Spokane....
:: What's happening?!....we never manage to be in the same picture! ;)
:: Shhhh!.....don't tell her!....she didn't know I was taking the pic!....ha ha ha....Mom wins! (what? victories are so few I simply must gloat!)
:: I have this one so well trained!....I say "!".....AND...she does :)
:: He's pretty well trained too!...I said, "Michael....give me a pose!"....AND...he did :)
:: I say, "Look everyone!....a big rock we can take our picture on".....I hear the collective groan as they obediently go over to the rock......snicker.....they love me!
A Day at Mt. Spokane..2nd set of pics
Sullivan Lake
:: You will notice a couple faces in the following pictures that haven't been on here in awhile. We finally snagged the kids from their summer vacation, friends, and work for a whole week!
One of our favorite places to enjoy the summer weather is Sullivan Lake. The water level is high this year, so we didn't have our usual set up on the beach, but we still managed to set up the beach tent :)
:: Danielle....she has spent most of her summer working and hanging out with friends...uh hum...and yes, spending time with her boyfriend ;)
(Its hard to believe she is 17 already and will turn 18 in October....eek!)
:: Michael....he has spent most of his summer hanging with friends.
(He will turn 16 in October....look out fellow drivers...he'll be hitting the road soon!)
:: Oh look!....its a rare photo with mom in it!....once in awhile I hand the camera to someone (other than myself who usually takes the family pics!), and I say, "Hey!...take a pic of me, so this family can look back some day and remember I was a part of it all".....tee hee!
:: And here's Anna....a full day of sunshine, water, and no nap....don't those eyes say it all?
And here's what I did with all those raspberries....
:: There was talk of raspberry cobbler and using the raspberries over ice cream....both sounded great, but I had another idea!....freezer jam!....yummy!
And, seriously who could resist these adorable little freezer jam containers!!!....I must admit...other than having a freezer packed with jam these containers were my true motive for making the jam....tee hee!

:: Of course I had to make a label to adorn these beloved containers ;)....I am so easily pleased.
A visit to Gma and Gpa's...
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Thursday, August 5, 2010
:: summer :: log house
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The Cheney High School Class of 90!
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Monday, August 2, 2010
:: Cheney High School Class of 1990
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:: Cheney High School Class of 1990 20 year Reunion

:: Myself (Angelique) with Monte, Trish, & Kelly

:: Angelique & Kieran 1990

:: And 20 years later (and he's still one of my favorite people!)
:: How does 20 years go by so quickly? It seems like our 10 year class reunion was just a couple of years ago. It must be true....the older one gets the quicker time goes by...or maybe the older one gets the less you remember so it just seems like time goes by quickly...tee hee!
The above pics are from the Saturday night event at Northern Qwest Casino....I have to say...the night moved along far too quickly for my liking. (again, with the being older and time flying by!) Its impossible to fit in all of the talking one wants to do when only seeing each other every 10 years, and fit in dancing like a fool all in one night! I mean come on....even this multi-tasker can only accomplish so much in one night :)
It was so nice to see everyone again. As it turns out, so many of us still live in the area, so I'm not quite sure why we haven't bumped in to each other more often than every 10 years?...probably those little things like families, homes and jobs that we are fortunate to have take up our time. I was reminded Saturday night that its also important to fit our friends into our busy lives. Such happiness comes from spending time with a long-time friend....and as was the case Saturday night...such happiness from spending an evening with a great group of my old friends :)
Nice day for a picnic...
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Wednesday, March 24, 2010
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(Hit the play button to watch video)
:: Hope its sunny where you're at. We had great weather for a picnic today :0)
Mini Chefs Class
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Make Life Sew Simple
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