:: Cheney High School Class of 1990 20 year Reunion

:: Myself (Angelique) with Monte, Trish, & Kelly

:: Angelique & Kieran 1990

:: And 20 years later (and he's still one of my favorite people!)
:: How does 20 years go by so quickly? It seems like our 10 year class reunion was just a couple of years ago. It must be true....the older one gets the quicker time goes by...or maybe the older one gets the less you remember so it just seems like time goes by quickly...tee hee!
The above pics are from the Saturday night event at Northern Qwest Casino....I have to say...the night moved along far too quickly for my liking. (again, with the being older and time flying by!) Its impossible to fit in all of the talking one wants to do when only seeing each other every 10 years, and fit in dancing like a fool all in one night! I mean come on....even this multi-tasker can only accomplish so much in one night :)
It was so nice to see everyone again. As it turns out, so many of us still live in the area, so I'm not quite sure why we haven't bumped in to each other more often than every 10 years?...probably those little things like families, homes and jobs that we are fortunate to have take up our time. I was reminded Saturday night that its also important to fit our friends into our busy lives. Such happiness comes from spending time with a long-time friend....and as was the case Saturday night...such happiness from spending an evening with a great group of my old friends :)
Sadly ... 20 yrs later , there all still pretty much Fake as hell people
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