Pretty Pretty Flowers
Yard Then and Now
A Whole-Lot-A UGLY!
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Saturday, June 27, 2009
home renovations
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I don't know if any of you have ever had the opportunity to remove's how I feel about it.......WALLPAPER SHOULD BE ILLEGAL :0)
So, the next time you feel the need to wallpaper....think of me friends and don't do it :0)
I am happy to say however, that this is the last room in the house that has wallpaper.....YEEHAW! Within the first 2 years that we lived in our house I removed the wallpaper in the other SIX rooms that had it! The mint green flocked wallpaper in the bathroom was my personal favorite. Wow!
After I tore off the top layer of wallpaper (which I did several years ago) I was left with the backing, which compared to the wallpaper was down right nice to look at. So, I left it that way and moved on to other areas of the house. Well, after telling myself for years that I should really get that backing stripped and paint the family room I am finally doing it.
I've completed about 1/4 of the removal and it took about an hour and a half. So about another 4.5 hours I should have it done and I can prep for paint.
:: I was amazed that the little critter stayed alive in the jar for two weeks. We tried finding several different kinds of leaves before he finally chomped away at some. Then when he started spinning his silk we thought for sure he was looked hard and dry. So we took the lid off of the jar and set the jar out on the deck. We'd check it every few days, but it still looked dead. Yesterday Michael went out to check and found it had broke free and had turned in to the moth. Crazy! I think Michael and I were just as excited as Anna was.
Long time no blog.....
:: First of all, get a load of the chickens! Don't they make ya smile? I took this picture while at my friend Lindsi's a few days ago. I can't remember their names, so I'll have to ask Lindsi and edit the post once I know. At first glance I think of Salt and Pepper, but I'm not a real creative one when it comes to names.
:: I don't have anything very exciting to report. This past week was busy with play dates, doctor appointment, running errands and helping out my grandma. OH, and don't forget laundry! I got my sneak peek copy of the new Stampin'Up! Idea Book and Catalog 2009-2010, so I have been memorizing every page and started the countdown to when we can order from it.....JULY 1ST!
::This weekend is Father's Day and the weather is supposed to be terrible for any outdoor activity and of course that is exactly what I have planned.....Taking Michael to a Spokane Indians Game on Father's Day. phooey!
Hope you all have a great start to your weekend. As I type I can hear that Anna just woke from her nap, so I better run! :0)
Bloom Time
Now I'm wondering if I should really push my luck and get another one?....hee hee
Rainy Day Crafts
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Tuesday, June 9, 2009
goofing around
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:: And, compared to today, yesterday really was the best day ever.......This morning I go out to the kitchen to pour my first cup of coffee of the day and kaboom!.....the handle on the coffee pot breaks off, first the VERY hot coffee spills all over my legs and bare feet, then the pot hits the ground with glass shattering all over and while coffee is almost hitting every square inch of the floor! Swell!
What I was really most upset about was not getting a cup of coffee! ugh!
A few days ago our refrigerator/freezer in the kitchen died.....just after I had stocked both up with a months worth of groceries......most of those went in the garbage since I didn't realize the fridge died until late in the evening. (that's just great to run across right before bed)
And, one of the lenses in my glasses has cracked. I think we should be good for things breaking now......they say these things happen in 3's, so I hope we're good for awhile.
Luckily we have an older fridge in our mudroom that we mostly keep drinks in that is now in the kitchen. I find it interesting that our 10 year old fridge died before the 30 year old (mudroom fridge) one that is still running. They just don't make things like they used to. And, funny enough, I think I like the old fridge better.....much more room! Plus, now I am rearranging our mudroom and will have more storage!....bonus...the silver lining!
The last time the whole things in 3's theory took place was the dishwasher, oven and hot water tank....that was just a few months ago. Brother!....this has not been a good year to be an appliance at our house!
A few yard pictures...
Softy Update
Daddy and Anna have been taking good care of the new "pet" out its "cage" and giving it new leaves every couple days. Now I guess we leave it alone and let it spin itself into a moth (I don't think this is the butterfly kind of caterpillar).
You can't actually see Softy in the picture, because he's/she's/its spun itself up near the lid. However, you can see the cob webby silk stuff.
Its really makeup!
Posted by
Make Life Sew Simple
on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
goofing around
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Yard Jewelry!
I usually use my electric hedge trimmer, but for 1) its SO LOUD, (2) you have to try not to cut the cord in half as your trimming along, and (3) its heavy! (I know, boo hoo!)
So there you have big excitement! LOL!