:: The morning glory seeds are taking off.....by next month they'll be climbing up the frames! :: A dahlia making its way out......this is really exciting since I planted 84 of them! About half of them have broken ground. I'd say by next week most of them should be seeing daylight....fingers crossed! :: This is the teddy bear sunflowers I planted in the old tool box....nice to see they've made their way through the dirt too!: :: My one lonely lupine :0( I used to have a bunch more and for some reason they didn't make it. Could it be the two worst winters in history to blame? :: Last year my grandma divided out most of her iris. My dad took some and I took some......somehow I got all of the yellow ones and he got all of the purple. We're going to do some trading so we both have some of each.
If you've noticed the traffic feed monitor is no longer on here, well that's because they have started charging a monthly fee for it now....boo hiss!....that doesn't fit in to my frugal plan. sorry:)
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