I don't know if any of you have ever had the opportunity to remove wallpaper......here's how I feel about it.......WALLPAPER SHOULD BE ILLEGAL :0)
So, the next time you feel the need to wallpaper....think of me friends and don't do it :0)
I am happy to say however, that this is the last room in the house that has wallpaper.....YEEHAW! Within the first 2 years that we lived in our house I removed the wallpaper in the other SIX rooms that had it! The mint green flocked wallpaper in the bathroom was my personal favorite. Wow!
After I tore off the top layer of wallpaper (which I did several years ago) I was left with the backing, which compared to the wallpaper was down right nice to look at. So, I left it that way and moved on to other areas of the house. Well, after telling myself for years that I should really get that backing stripped and paint the family room I am finally doing it.
I've completed about 1/4 of the removal and it took about an hour and a half. So about another 4.5 hours I should have it done and I can prep for paint.
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