:: Big pot on the front porch. I like to decorate for the 4th of July, so I always like to put red, purple and either yellow or white in this front pot. Looks great when it comes time to decorate. 
: One of the pots hanging on the garage....there are two, one on each side of the garage door. I bought these little color pots from Fred Meyer for $9.00 each and transfered them in to my hanging pots......great deal and they look great!
:: One of the groups of Allium planted around the yard.
::Close up of an Allium......just love these....they are so pretty and delicate. 
: I have these pots hanging on a hook above our lower patio. I don't think I've ever had yellow petunias before. I bought the Petunias at Home Depot for $5.00 each and added some lobelia for more color.
:: It was a big yard work day today.....mowed the lawn....whoo hoo! all three sides of the house done!.....that's an accomplishment! Weeded my garden area and planted some tomato plants and pepper plants.....I'll be planting more in the garden but ran out of steam for today. I planted a flat of marigolds that my mom-in-law grew in her green house......she gave me three more flats of flowers that I hope to get in the ground tomorrow. And, even managed to get in some play time with Anna. Now Michael is BBQing our dinner, I'm going to eat and maybe pass out!....LOL!
Hope everyone had a great day! Until tomorrow enjoy the pics of the flowers :0)
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