Look at those eyes....they say differently. :0)
Before we went to the parade last night the conversation at our house was about what time we should head down town to find our spot along the parade route. Parade start time was 7:45, so of course I wanted to go down as early as possible to ensure we had a good spot. Michael's idea of early is 5 minutes before the parade actually starts. oiy! When you've been married long enough you learn to choose your battles, so I agreed to go down much later than I preferred knowing that we were probably not going to have very good seats. Well, don't tell him I said this, but his get there late theory really panned out! We had great seats and for the first time ever at any free community event we sat next to some great people! Whew!
The people who had been there hours before us to stake their claim on the curb were nice enough to let Anna sit down in front of them.
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