:: Lower flower bed behind the house. (above) :: Front flower bed along the driveway. (above) :: The other front flower bed along the driveway. (above) :: Along the side of the house. (above) You might be thinking why is she posting pictures of her flower beds when nothing is in bloom???...well hold on, don't be thinking I've gone and lost my marbles (the few I have left hardy har!) I was thinking it will be fun to see the progression over the summer months. I'll take these same shots once a month and post how things are coming along. (it just occurred to me that people are going to think I have way too much time on my hands if I'm thinking about taking pictures of flower beds.....actually, I don't, I have priorities and my yard is one of them) :0)
If you've noticed the traffic feed monitor is no longer on here, well that's because they have started charging a monthly fee for it now....boo hiss!....that doesn't fit in to my frugal plan. sorry:)
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