:: Memorial Day is traditionally May 30th, and observed the last Monday in May. The day was established to honor the fallen heros who have defended our country. We enjoy freedom today because of the father, brother, son, or husband who never came home. This weekend has also become known as the official kickoff of summer, but let's also remember the true meaning of Memorial Day.
:: Every Friday before Memorial Day my Grandma and I (and now Anna too) go around to the cemeteries where we have relatives buried and put out flowers. This is my Grandma (Anna's Great Grammy) putting flowers on her parents graves.
:: Here's a little funny......every year we dig out the weed patch also known as my Grandma's grandparent's graves (my great great grandparents). Well today when we arrive I see this little stone on the corner of the family plot with the arrow......So out of curiosity I step out 8 paces to where E. B. Hyde is supposed to be, and it appears that "Old Eugene" would be mixed in with our family.....I don't know why but this really gave us a laugh. The caretaker of the cemetery came over to chat with us while we were weeding and asked if we knew anything about the stone marker, which gave us another laugh. Now he too is curious and is going to look in to it for us. I looked all around and couldn't find another marker with Eugene's name and dates on it. Sure hope the mystery can be solved so Eugene can be respected properly.
:: I had to take a picture of the gate, because it is new. This little old cemetery really needs some love, so I'm happy to see there is a new entrance. (I'm starting to think maybe I really do take a picture of everything!....hee hee)
Hope everyone enjoys Memorial Day Weekend!
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