:: Here is a pic of Hank looking quite annoyed that there is ANOTHER squirrel in the tree! It was a close one the other day....He almost caught a squirrel!......he was chasing it around the base of the same tree he's staking out in this picture. I had to interfere and chase off the squirrel. I think the squirrel just wanted to play with Hank. :: Today was a big day.....for me anyways!....for the first time Anna played in/on her playset at length without me having to be up in the playhouse with her. Yahoo! I put a blanket down for her and took a bunch of inside toys out to the playhouse and whataya know!....she actually sat out there and played for a good hour! Sweet relief is what I say! She was having a great time throwing a tea party for her stuffed animal friends. Happy day!
Now, we'll see if we can get a repeat tomorrow ????? :0)
If you've noticed the traffic feed monitor is no longer on here, well that's because they have started charging a monthly fee for it now....boo hiss!....that doesn't fit in to my frugal plan. sorry:)
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